Empowering Education, Inspiring Tomorrow

By Providing

  • Opportunity for All

  • Safe Schools

  • Access to Funding

  • Quality Teachers

  • Educational Choices

Why Kristan?

As a life long resident of Southern Utah and a teacher for 28 years, Kristan knows what’s best for Utah kids and parents.

Opportunity for All

Kristan believes that ALL children deserve the opportunity to learn

Safe schools

Kristan is dedicated to insuring that ALL children have access to a SAFE school

Access to Funding

Kristan is fighting to provide students in ALL areas of Utah the opportunity to receive adequate funding, state resources and access to educational programs

Quality Teachers

Kristan is working to provide an educational setting that continues to recruit and retain high quality teachers

Educational Choices

Kristan believes that Utah’s public education system that offers students and parents a large variety of options to personalize their education.

Civics in Our Schools

Kristan has managed an elementary civics education program, focused on founding documents and United States history that has spread throughout Washington County.


Michele Randall
Mayor St. George

It’s an honor to endorse Kristan Norton for re-election to State School Board. Over the past four years, Kristan has been a strong advocate for our students, teachers, and administrators. She is passionate about education and dedicated to doing what’s best for the children in her district. Kristan chairs the USBE Finance Committee and I appreciate having her fiscally conservative approach to education at the state level. Please join me in supporting Kristan on the ballot in June.

Randy Shelly
Wayne County

" Kristan Nortan is a great resource for Wayne County and has served us well on the Utah State Board of Education.  I appreciate her efforts to communicate issues USBE is dealing with and ask for input from the stakeholders she represents prior to making decisions that will affect us.  She works hard to advocate with the legislature for her constituents, as well.  As an active educator herself, Kristan understands the needs and issues all stakeholders are facing in public education today.  She brings a much needed perspective to USBE. "

Steve Kemp
St. George City Council Member

Like most Utah voters, I didn’t understand the Duties and Responsibilities the members of the state school board take on when they get elected. After researching these requirements and the candidates, I appreciate Kristan Norton's no-nonsense approach on the state school board, keeping the focus squarely on the safety and education of our students. As a long-time public-school teacher, Kristan is “boots on the ground” and brings that experience to this elected position. I'm endorsing Kristan for re-election because we need leaders like her who will strongly advocate for students in rural Utah, just as she has done throughout her teaching career and during her first term on the State School Board. Steve Kemp, St. George City Council, Father to 4 Children all educated in public schools here in Washington County

Nannette Simmons
Washington. County School Board Member

I wholeheartedly endorse Kristan Norton for Utah State School Board of Education  District 15.  With her extensive experience in education policy and dedication to improving our schools, Kristan Norton is the leader we need to ensure a brighter future for Utah’s students. Her passion for excellence and commitment to inclusivity make Her the ideal candidate to help lead our state’s education system forward. Vote for Kristan Norton to prioritize student success and innovation in Utah’s schools.

Spencer Cox
Utah Governor

I support Kristan Norton for re-election to the state schoolboard.  Kristan is in her 28thyear as an elementary school teacher in the Washington School District.  Her experience as an educator makes her afierce advocate for students and their families.Join me in supporting Kristan Norton for re-election.  A vote for Kristan ensures our state schoolboard has experienced members committed to maintaining strong educationstandards in Utah

David Stirland
Washington County School Board Member

I am proud to endorse Kristan Norton for State School Board, USBE 15. Washington County needs voices like Kristan’s at the State level. She understands the issues facing our schools and has proven her commitment to serve local students, teachers and parents.Kristan’s open lines of communication and transparency have been helpful to us as Washington County School Board members. We ask you to join us in supportingKristan Norton for USBE 15.

Evan Vickers
Utah Senator

I have worked with Kristan on numerous education issues during the time she has been on the State School Board. I have been so impressed with how she knows and understands the complexities of each issue. She has earned the respect of her colleagues as proven by being chosen the Chair of the Finance Committee. She engages with many legislators on issues and is especially knowledgeable about rural education issues. She is the exact type of person that we need to continue to have serving on the Utah StateSchool Board. Please join me in supporting Kristan Norton in the primary election.

David Hinkins
Utah Senator

I have worked with Kristan on numerous education issues during the time she has been on the State School Board. I have been so impressed with how she knows and understands the complexities of each issue. She has earned the respect of her colleagues as proven by being chosen the Chair of the Finance Committee. She engages with many legislators on issues and is especially knowledgeable about rural education issues. She is the exact type of person that we need to continue to have serving on the Utah StateSchool Board. Please join me in supporting Kristan Norton in the primary election.

Jon and Kristy Pike
Former St George City Mayor and Community Leaders

Kristan has been a voice of reason on our State School Board, advocating for safe schools, funding for rural schools, and quality teaching. Our kids have benefitted from her dedicated work, and we wholeheartedly endorse her!

Ron Reber
Utah Business Leader

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Kristan Norton’s candidacy for the state school board. Having known Kristan and her family for over 40 years,I am confident that she is the ideal candidate for this important position. 

Kristan comes from a family of outstanding educators, a legacy that is evident in her own distinguished career as a teacher. I have had the privilege of working closely with Kristan for nearly thirty years and can personally attest to her dedication, passion, and effectiveness as an educator. Her commitment to her students is unparalleled, and she has a remarkable ability to inspire and nurture young minds. 

Kristan’s impact on our family has been profound. She has taught our grandchildren and played a pivotal role in their academic journeys. Our granddaughter, in particular, credits Kristan for igniting her passion for learning and motivating her to pursue higher education. Today, she is on the path to medical school, a dream that Kristen helped make possible through her guidance and encouragement.

Don Ipson
Utah Senator

I am thrilled to endorse Kristan for re-election to the UtahState Board of Education.  As a StateSenator representing much of Washington County, I care deeply about making sure that our southern Utah values are represented at the statewide level – and there is no person to better advocate for southern Utah than KristanNorton.  Please join me in voting forKristan Norton for re-election to the State Board of Education.  

Natalie Larsen
St George City Council Member

I am endorsing Kristan Norton for State School Board. Kristan has served the Republican Party for the several past years as a LEG Chair. As a Republican serving on the State School Board, Kristan prioritized fiscal responsibility, upheld fundamental rights of parents, empowered educators and championed the needs of students. Please join me in re-electing Kristan Norton for StateSchool Board.

Christa Hinton
Santa Clara City Council

I’m pleased to support Kristan Norton for her re-election to State School Board for USBE 15. Kristan has been and remains the leader we need to represent our district at the state level. Kristan cares deeply for our students and prioritizes their safety and educational success. As a long-time teacher, Kristan has firsthand experience in the classroom with our students, with teachers and with administrators. She fully understands the issues and challenges in our school system. Her experience and dedication are unmatched and I appreciate her strong advocacy for students in rural Utah.

Koby Willis
Piute County

Board Member Norton is a great advocate for Utah students and rural schools. She understands current education issues because she still works in a classroom. She is fully invested in improving outcomes for all students regardless of zip code. Piute County has benefited from her strong leadership and support. She has helped ensure our students and teachers have the resources and guidance they need to be successful.

Jimmie Hughes
St George City Council Member

I am encouraging you to join me in voting for Kristan Norton State School Board. My children have benefited from having her as a 5th grade teacher. For over two decades, Kristan has been teaching the Give Me Liberty program to Washington County students. This program focuses on the founding documents and U.S. History. Kristan, while serving as a State School Board member, has advocated for responsible spending, reducing unnecessary testing for elementary students statewide and ensuring all students will have access to a safe school. Kristan also has served the Republican Party for several years as a LEG chair. Kristan Norton is the conservative voice we need to send back to represent Washington County as our State School Board member.

Jerry and Carolyn Atkin
Utah business leaders

We have known Kristan Norton for over 40 years as both a dedicated employee and dear friend. We areproud to wholeheartedly endorse her for re-election to the USBE. As our local representative on theUtah State School Board, she fights to allocate state resources to ALL students in the state, especially tothose in central and southern Utah. She is serving with conservative diligence as the Chair of theFinance Committee and has built strong, binding relationships with many legislative leaders. We urge all of those living in southern Utah to vote for Kristan Norton!

LaRene Cox
Washington County School Board Member

I am proud to endorse Kristan Norton for State School Board, USBE 15. Washington County needs voices like Kristan’s at the State level. She understands the issues facing our schools and has proven her commitment to serve local students, teachers and parents.Kristan’s open lines of communication and transparency have been helpful to us as Washington County School Board members. We ask you to join us in supportingKristan Norton for USBE 15.

Rick Rosenberg
Santa Clara Mayor

I've known Kristan Norton for many years and am proud to endorse her for re-election to Utah's State School Board. I trustKristan to continue representing the students of Washington County. Kristan isa long-time local elementary teacher and a tireless advocate for rural Utah. We need her strong voice, her commitment to ethics and transparency, and her dedication to the successful education of Utah's students.

Dannielle Larkin
St George City Council Member

I whole heartedly endorse Kristan Norton for the Utah State School Board. With her extensive experience in teaching spanning many years, Kristan has demonstrated a deep commitment to the education and well-being of all children in Utah. Her passion for fostering a supportive learning environment for every student makes her the ideal candidate to represent our state's educational interests.

Rod and Michelle Orton
Washington County Business Leaders

We are thrilled to endorseKristen Norton for the state school board. Having known her our entire lives, we can attest to her integrity and unwavering commitment to making sound decisions in the best interest of Utah’s students. Her proven track record as an effective leader showcases her dedication and qualifications for this critical role. We firmly believe she is the most qualified person for the position and will serve our state with distinction.

Craig and Marcia Hammer
Utah Education Leaders

We are excited to endorseKristan Norton for re-election to the Utah State Board of Education! She is an experienced classroom teacher that has first-hand knowledge concerning the needs of public education. She's a proven leader and an advocate for ALL students. We need Kristan on the Board!! Please give her your vote!

Derrin Owens
Utah Senator

I’m glad to endorse and support Kristan Norton for re-election to Utah’s State School Board. LikeKristan, I’ve spent many years as an educator in our public school system and know firsthand how important it is to have a strong voice advocating for our students and teachers at the state level. I’m glad to recommend Kristan as one of those strong voices and advocates for our youth. I have every confidence that Kristan will continue her exceptional representation, utilizing her considerable knowledge and extensive experience in education as she helps make important board decisions about policy, curriculum, finance, and the safety of our students. Please join me in voting for Kristan Norton in the June primary election!

Gary S and DeAnna Esplin
Life-long St. George City Community Leaders

We have known Kristan Norton for more than 30 years.  We have watched her as a top level educator, especially her work with elementary children. She is a lifelong resident of Southern Utah and has fought for equal educational opportunities for everyone. She has gone the extra mile obtaining a Master’s degree in education requiring much personal sacrifice.  She has been involved in the Washington County Republican Party and has served as a member of the Executive Committee and twice been elected District legislative chair.  As a current member of the UtahState Board of Education, she serves as Chair of the Finance Committee.  She understands the needs and issues of all stakeholders especially as an incumbent member of USBE.  We cannot think of anyone more qualified to serve on the Utah State Board of Education than Kristan Norton.  Because of the above mentioned qualification and many others, we support and urge you to re-elect Kristan Norton to theState School Board.

Eric Clarke
Current Washington County Attorney.

Kristan is a level-headed conservative. She has decades of experience being an amazing teacher. She is also one of the hardest workers I've ever met. But most importantly, she focuses on what really matters--our kids! She does not get distracted by fleeting social issues. We need Kristan!

Meet Kristan

At a Glance

  • Currently in her 28th year as an elementary teacher with Washington County School District
  • Professional educational endorsements in Reading and Mathematics
  • From the time she turned 18 and was registered to vote, Kristan has been a registered Republican.  Most recently, she has served for the past three and a half years as a member of the Washington County Republican Party Executive Committee, twice being elected by the voters in House District 75 as their legislative chair
  • Committee member for the Utah State Science Core writing team
  • Instructor in Partnership for Effective Science Teaching and Learning (PESTL) science professional development program for elementary educators
  • Committee lead for the development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) professional endorsement curriculum
  • Committee member for the Utah State Science Core test writing team
  • Member of the judging panel for Utah’s nominee to the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
  • Facilitator and Instructor for Core Academy Math professional development for elementary teachers
  • Member of the judgeing panel for Utah’s Teacher of the Year
  • Board Member of the Utah Rural School Association
  • Master’s Degree in Education, Southern Utah University
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Southern Utah University
  • Associate’s Degree in Science, Dixie College
Kristan Norton

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Kristan Norton is a 28-year veteran teacher in Southern Utah, who is currently running for re-election on the Utah State Board of Education, advocating for equitable resources and reduced testing.